MERN Stack Course

MERN Stack Course

Become a Full stack developer after completing the MERN stack course from SMEClabs. Be able to develop the front end and back end for web applications. You will be able to develop an advanced front-end by using React. Js. During the MERN Stack course from SMEClabs, you will be part of several industrial projects and this will improve your skills in web development. Our MERN stack course syllabus is updated based on the current trends by our industrial experts. You will be able to connect the Front end and back end after completing the MERN Stack course.

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MERN Stack Course

MERN Stack Course

MERN Stack Courses

Course Code - SLS- 1720 | Difficulty - Beginner / No experience | Eligibility - Any Degree, Diploma, Graduates | Mode - Online / Offline / OnDemand / Hybrid | Duration - 250 Hours
Detailed Syllabus | Enroll Now

MERN Stack Course

Trusted by genius people.

SMEClabs have paved the way for several candidates to get their dream job.

MERN Stack Course
MERN Stack Course
MERN Stack Course
MERN Stack Course
MERN Stack Course

MERN Stack Course

This course will make you capable to develop Full Stack applications from scrape. You will be able to develop the Full Stack application with the help of MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.Js. Full Stack is the most in demand skill in the IT sector. Most companies are looking for Full Stack developers for the front end & backend development and also for the debugging requirements. This course will brighten your knowledge regarding front-end and back-end servers. The MERN Stack course will make you capable enough to develop website applications as well as hybrid applications.

You will be able to generate a proper user interface and also to handle the data flow. We have designed the MERN Stack course in a way that will be useful for beginners and also for experienced personnel. Beginners will be trained according to their knowledge regarding this topic.

Shareable Certificate

International & National Level Certification.

Online MERN Stack Course

Start instantly and learn at your own schedule, MERN Course, Quick to become a professional.

Classroom MERN Stack Course

Get MERN Course in Classroom at limited locations. Kochi, Alappuzha, Ernakulam, Idukki, Kannur, Kasaragod, Kerala, Kollam, Kottayam, Kozhikode, Malappuram, Palakkad, Pathanamthitta, Thrissur, Wayanad, Chennai, Trivandrum, Mumbai, Calicut, Bangalore, Mangalore, Vizag, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Nigeria.

Practical only subscription

Subscription for remote lab connectivity. 24x7

Flexible Schedule

Set and maintain flexible deadlines.

MEAN Stack Course Syllabus

Web Development

  • What is web development?
  • How websites work?
  • Advantages of learning web development
  • History of web development
  • Course and Projects Overview
  • Project lifecycle
  • What is HTML?
  • Structure of Webpage
  • HTML Tags
  • Adding and formatting texts, title, paragraph, body
  • Lists –
  • Ordered/Unordered
  • Images
  • Forms
  • Map
  • SVG
  • Html5 form validation
  • Links
  • Tables
  • Iframes, Videos
  • Anchor tags
  • HTML Divs
  • CSS Introduction
  • Inline vs Internal vs External styling
  • CSS Display
  • Animation
  • Project 1 – To-do App – Frontend using HTML/CSS3
  • CSS Backgrounds, Borders, Margins, Padding
  • CSS Font Styling
  • Stylings Lists
  • Styling Tables, Forms
  • Gradients
  • Font Awesome
  • Media Query
  • Tool tips
  • Buttons
  • Transitions, Transformation, Animations
  • Box sizing
  • Flex
  • Grid
  • SASS
  • Project 1 – To-do App – Enhance Frontend using CSS
  • Bootstrap containers
  • Tables, Images, Colors
  • Alerts, Buttons
  • Spinners, Cards
  • Pagination, Drop Down
  • Carousel
  • To-do App – Develop To-do App Frontend using Bootstrap
  • GitHub Overview
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Variables, scoping, Data type
  • Strings and Numbers
  • Operators and loops
  • Functions
  • Project 1 – Add Functionalities to To-do App
  • Arrays
  • Linked List
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Maps
  • Hashing
  • Understanding and working with DOM
  • Developer tools in Browsers
  • JQuery
  • Project 2 – Add Functionalities to Blog
  • Prototypes
  • Closures
  • Local Storage
  • Ajax
  • Promises
  • Project 3 – Dice Roller Game using Animation and
  • JavaScript
  • ES5 vs Es6 vs Es7
  • Event loop in JavaScrip


  • Introduction
  • Node.js
  • Why Node.js ?
  • Feature of Node.js
  • Node.js Installation & configuration
  • Where to use Node ?
  • Server-side Javascript
  • Asynchronous events vs. threads
  • Performance
  • REPL Introduction
  • REPL Commands
  • Operation In REPL
  • Stopping REPL
  • What is Event Loop?
  • Event Driven Programming
  • Event Emitter
  • Call back function
  • OS module
  • Path module
  • Net Module
  • DNS Module
  • Domain Module
  • What is web-server ?
  • Web application architecture
  • Creating web-server using Node
  • Creating Web client Using Node
  • What is framework ?
  • Express.js Overview
  • Installing Express.js
  • Request & Response
  • Request Object
  • Response Object
  • HTTP method with Node
  • Serving statics file
  • Cookies management
  • REST with Node.js
  • Routing
  • Configuration
  • Views
  • Middleware
  • Creating an Express app/project
  • Organising/structuring the app
  • Generating HTML views with Jade
  • Navigating datasets
  • Filtering data
  • Request variables and routes
  • Posting data
  • Modifying data through PUT requests
  • Handling GET requests returning JSON
  • Modifying HTTP response headers
  • Functions
  • Project 1 – Add Functionalities toTo-do App
  • Introduction to REST API
  • REST Architecture
  • HTTP methods
  • HTTP response
  • Creating REST
  • Testing REST

React JS Course

  • React JS Introduction
  • Advantages of React JS
  • Feature of Node.js
  • Work flow of React JS
  • Scope of React JS
  • Introduction of Virtual DOM.
  • Difference between JS and JSX
  • React Components overview
  • Containers and components
  • What is Child Components?What is Namespaced components?
  • What are the JavaScript expressions available in JSX?
  • Node setup
  • How to use NPM?
  • How to create package.json and purpose of it?
  • ES6 Introduction and features.
  • Webpack Overview
  • Best IDE for React JS and How to write optimized code in React JS?
  • React JS browser plugins overview.
  • Create a React component with JSX template.
  • How to create Nested Components?
  • What is React JS render?
  • React Props overview.
  • Introduction of Props validation with data types.
  • Flow of States, Initialize states and update states
  • Lists of Form components
  • Setup Controlled and Uncontrolled form compoents.
  • Control Input elements.
  • How to set default values on all formats of Input elements.
  • React JS Form validations.
  • How to write Styles?
  • Animations overview
  • Initial Rende
  • Props Change
  • Stage Change
  • Component willMount
  • Component didMount
  • Component Unmount
  • Single Page Application Overview.
  • How to configure React Router?
  • History of Router
  • How to Handle Conditional statement in JSX?
  • IIFE in JSX for complex logic overview.
  • onBlur, onKeyUp, onChange and other useful primary events in React JS
  • How to Sharing events between the components?
  • CSS and inline styles in React JS overview.
  • Introduction to styled components
  • How to Load the router library?
  • Configure the React Router?
  • How to Pass and receive parameters?
  • Integration of React-cookie overview.
  • What is Flux Architecture?
  • What are the Flux Components available?
  • Stores
  • Dispatchers
  • View Controllers.
  • Actions.
  • Views
  • How Flux works?
  • Flux and React works together.


  • Introduction to NOSQL DB
  • Overview of DB
  • Adv of NOSQL DB
  • Type of NOSQL DB
  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • Installation and Configuration of MongoDB
  • Start and Stop MongoDB Connection with Javascript and Node.js
  • Static and Dynamic Schemas
  • Data Modeling
  • Create database
  • Drop database
  • Introduction to Collection
  • Collection Vs Tables
  • Create Collection
  • Drop Collection
  • Operation on MongoDB
  • Introduction to document
  • Create document
  • Insert Document
  • Update Document
  • Delete Document
  • MongoDB – Limit Records
  • MongoDB – Sort Records
  • MongoDB – Indexing
  • MongoDB – Create Backup
  • Introduction to JSON
  • Uses of JSON
  • JSON Datatype
  • JSON Object
  • JSON Schemas
  • Creating and Droping collection by javascript application
  • Creating and Deleting document by javascript application
  • Insert, Update, delete Operation with javascript
  • Introduction to REST API
  • REST Architecture
  • HTTP methods
  • HTTP response
  • Creating REST
  • Testing REST
  • Creating Application based on REST API with Javascript and MongoDB

Git & GitHub deployment

  • Download & Install Git on Mac & Windows
  • Git Setup: Your Name & Email
  • Create a New Local Git Repository (Initialize Repository)
  • Stage & Commit Files
  • GitHub: Push to a Remot Repository
  • GitHub: Pull From a Remote Repository
  • GitHub: Clone (Download) a Remote Repository
  • How to Handle Merge Conflicts
  • View a List of Commits & Undo Changes
  • Branches: Create, Switch, Push, Merge, & Delete
  • Project
  • Hosting

What are the major skills that you will acquire after completing the MERN Stack course?

What are the Top 5 job opportunities in MERN Stack?

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

SMEClabs provides you with placement assistance, most of our students got placed with the help of our placement assistance. You can check the
details regarding our candidates who got placed by checking our Placementshala website.

There are numerous reasons which make MERN stack the best tech stack on the planet. Some of which are Quick Coding Time: MERN stack is really easy to code, so when you comprehend it then you can make an essential application in a limited quantity of time with practically no problem.
MERN represents MongoDB, Express, React, and Node, after the four key advancements that make up the stack. MongoDB — record data set. Express(.js) — Node.js web structure.
MERN Stack Jobs are high-paying jobs because most organizations are looking for front-end and back-end developers. Good knowledge of the latest HTML/CSS standards is best practice. SMEClabs is exceptionally fruitful in making a biological system where anybody with fundamental PC information can experience their fantasy about being a Website developer.
  • MERN stack developer
  • MERN stack trainer
  • Web developer
  • Web designer
The MERN architecture allows you to easily construct a 3-tier architecture (frontend, backend, database) entirely using JavaScript and JSON. Express and Node make up the center (application) level. Express.js is a server-side web structure, and Node.js the famous and strong JavaScript server stage. Notwithstanding which variation you pick, ME(RVA)N is the best way to deal with working with JavaScript and JSON, the entire way through.