What is NDT?
Need of NDT
Different NDT Methods
Roles of NDT Level I,II and III Inspectors
Codes and Standards
Acceptance, Rejectance
NDT Method Selections
Visual Testing
Penetrant Test(PT)
Basic Principles
Steps of PT
Types of Penetrants
Types of Cleaning
Developer Types
Post Cleaning Methods
Dwell time of Penetrants and Developers
Flourescent Methods
Blacklight and Whitelight
Indication Development, Interpretation and Evaluation
Sensitivity rank of Developers and Penetrants
Brief of ASME Section V Article 6
Practicals(Visible and Fluorescent Methods) and Report Samples
Magnetic Particle Testing(MT)
Method Selection
Basics of Magnetism
Types of Magnetic Fields
Types of Magnetization
Dry and Wet Methods
Wet, Visible and Fluorescent Methods
Magnetic Particles Concentration and Conditions
Field Indicators, Pi Gauge,
Slotted Strips
Light Measurements
Hysteresis Loop
Introduction to ASME
Section V
Interpretation, Evaluation
and Sample Reports
Ultrasonic Testing(UT)
Basics of Sound
Basic Principle of UT
Working Principle
Working Principle
Design and Construction of Probes
Types of Transducers
Calibration Methods(V1 block, V2 block and DAC blocks)
Inspection Methods and Calibration
Data Presentation
Practicals(Calibration of Normal, Angle Probe and Inspection of Test Pieces)
Radiographic Testing and Film Interpretation(RT & RTFI)
Basics of RT
Review of RT variables
Difference between X-Ray and Gamma Ray Devices
Intensity, Penetration and Material Thickness
Source Selection for Gamma Ray Technique
Radiographic Techniques, SFD, Exposure Time
Exposure Time Calculations, Film Factor, RHM
RT Film Types, Variables, Handling, Screens, Speed, Density, Exposure and Equivalent Film Classes
Penetrameter – Types, Selection and Placement
Film Viewing – Illuminator, Film ID, Location Marker, Densitometer
RT Image Quality – Sensitivity, Contrast, Definition, Unsharpness, Backscattering
Film Processing
Course, Procedures and Written Practices
RT Safety Aspects, Measuring Devices, Exposure Limits and Protection
Review of Radiographs below RT Report format